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JSM FUND INC Welcomes You

Jewish Single Moms Fund in South Florida

JSM Fund is a nonprofit that helps struggling Jewish mothers who are the sole
caregivers for their children, by providing financial assistance, education and
resources in order to help them survive and thrive, while they raise the next
generation of Jewish youth in their South Florida communities.

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JSM FUND INC at a Glance

Mother and Baby

JSM Fund understands what it means to be a single mother in a culture that places
marriage in high regard. JSM Fund provides not just financial but emotional
support for the Jewish mother striving to make it on her own.
Respect. Dignity. Kindness. Compassion. Caring.
In the Jewish tradition of giving, JSM Fund strives to empower mothers and help
them achieve self-respect and financial independence.

Helping Hand

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The Jewish single mother needs not a hand out, but a hand up.
The Jewish Single Mothers Fund mandate is to lend a helping hand to any
Jewish mother, single, widowed, separated or divorced who strives to achieve
financial independence and success for her children and her community.
A diverse array of Jewish mothers, of all denominations, ethnicities, races and ages
are supported with compassion, dignity and care by the Jewish Single Mothers Fund.

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Respect. Dignity. Kindness. Compassion. Caring.

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Single Mothers Testimonies 
Single Mothers Testimonies 

How can I adequately put feelings into proper words, and express just how thankful we are to you??


When I literally had nowhere to turn, and no family or friends to ask for assistance, Devorah has swooped in to rescue us from an FPL (electric) disconnection, and the occasional rent payment when my job just didn't make enough to cover these basics. 


As hard and embarrassing as it is to ask for help, it's even harder to explain to my kids why we suddenly have no lights or air conditioning, which is so important in our climate here.


The thoughtful, practical yom tov food cards to local south Florida stores are also extremely helpful and alleviate the huge stress of trying to figure out how to put extra food on the table for holidays. In the past, yom tov was a happier time. As a single mother now, many times it's the opposite of happy when you just don't know how you're going to be able to add in extra food into the budget for yom tov. The food gift cards make our yomim tovim so much happier and calmer!


 Thank Gd, JSM and Devorah are a _literal lifeline_ of hope for us. Hashem should continue to shower bracha and only hatzlacha on JSM always! The quiet work they do is incredible!

Dear friends,

Being a single mom of many children is tough. As soon as I was told to leave an abusive marriage and protect my children, my whole world, as I knew it,  fell apart. Quickly I realized that I needed a village. My village was, at the beginning Devorah and Roni. They helped me budget, pay bills, celebrate the good times and were there when I needed to talk, always. They are “really” there, when you don’t have food or underwear for your kids or when you need to pay the dentist for your child and have no money. I’m grateful to have them in my life. Graceful and humble, both so easy to talk to and they sincerely care. You changed my life more than you’ll ever know


As a struggling single Mom, I can’t even begin to express how invaluable an organization like JSM FUND INC  has been to me. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with many traumatic events in the past few years including the loss of both of my parents, domestic abuse and violence and child abuse all while trying to raising my special needs son. I am dealing with abuse on many levels including financial and legal abuse which makes it even more challenging.


JSM FUND INC has been truly a blessing to me in every capacity helping me get food for both my son and myself, clothes for my son, money for emergency bills such as electric, water, phone, etc, Due to financial restraint and abuse I am getting minimal child support right now and no alimony, so I am honestly truly grateful for all the help that I get from JSM FUND INC.


Currently, I lost my job at a school due to the pandemic so this made my situation even harder than it was as it is so difficult to get jobs today and also with the homeschooling situation and hardly any child care available makes things even more difficult. JSM FUND Inc has been helping me connect to some resources to try and get back on my feet which is a process especially in this current pandemic we are in.


Thank you to all the great donors out there that have helped JSM FUND INC  as they truly are a blessing to all Jewish Single Moms and I can’t express my deepest thanks enough to JSM FUND INC who I will be eternally grateful for all there support and help through this very difficult time.

Just a small note of gratitude... whatever I say won’t come close to justifying the amount of chessed and unbelievable help at a time of dire need that was showered upon me by Devorah and her organization. Whatever I needed weather a top lawyer pro bono or much needed assistance with money of large sums to help me with my move or food. Devorah worked tirelessly to make things happen and fast. I will be forever grateful!

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